
   e.g. People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.


   e.g. Taking a stand as a theologian and spokesman of theocracy, Thomas Aquinas argued on some important socioeconomic issues.


   e.g. He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased.


   e.g. Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men.


   e.g. Thanks to a new EU directive, insecticide labelling will be more specific.

      6.commit suicide自殺/commit crime犯罪

   e.g. There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide.


  e.g. The glow of a funeral pyre slowly dies by the silent river.

Post-Yule Pyre Guy throwing tree in the fire

      8.Pygmalion effect皮格馬利翁效應(期待效應)









      9.bicentenial man


   e.g. Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun. neptune facts

     11.patron god/godess守護神

   e.g.  I forever all am your patron god.

     12.Pluto【羅馬神話】冥王;陰間之神。 (the Pluto)【天文學】冥王星。

   e.g. The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto. "Dward











     14.homeric epithet=>use adjective to indicate the character(ex. the swift-footed Achilles)



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 New thing

1.summary=in short

   e.g. What follows is a brief summary of the process.

2.Choosing to be different (isolated)



5.carefree=without cares

   e.g. She had made their childhood so joyous and carefree.

6.child-free=without children

   e.g.  Being child - free is a decision I have never regretted.


   e.g. That led to a substantial role in the movie Pleasantville.

8.Brave New World美麗新世界

   e.g. The Robotic Economy —— Brave New World or a Return to Slavery?

9.Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 反烏托邦

10.No man is an island

No Man Is An Island ——John Donn

No man is an island,
entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main;

if a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were,
as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were:

any man’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind,
and therefore,
never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee.
No Man Is an Island? | Paolo Rivera



   e.g. A clod of silt can easily be crumbled in the fingers.


   e.g. They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere.

     3.set...apart from分開

   e.g. The chair was set apart from the others for the special guest.

     4.urban homesteaders都市自耕農(佔有宅地的人。分得土地的定居移民。


   e.g. The plane flew at an altitude of 20, 000 feet.


   e.g. People usually infer an unknown fact from a known fact.


   e.g. It's ironical that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer


   e.g. Yet they are also meant to be allegorical, to stand for something.


   e.g. The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror.


   e.g. All Utopias that have hitherto been constructed are intolerably dull.

    11.chines=chine isa cut of meat that includes part or all of the backbone of the animal

   e.g. Fifthly, the textbooks with the Chines characteristics of technological economics are becoming less and less.

    12.chits=a slang wordwhich means girls

   e.g. I hate affected , niminy - piminy chits!

    13.chopped=means come suddenly or accidentally

   e.g. Don't ask me why they have chopped and changed so much.

    14.chute=a narrow channel

   e.g. You can release the chute with either hand, but it is easier to do it with the left.

    15.circumspection=careful observation of events and circumstances

   e.g. The quality of being circumspection is essential for a secretary.

    16.clambered=to climb somewhere with difficulty,usually using your hands and your feet

   e.g. They clambered up the stone walls of a steeply terraced olive grove.


   e.g.  Plants from a cold clime travel best in winter.


   e.g. Hibernian clinched the First Division title when they beat Hamilton 2-0.

    19.close chair=a sedan chair,which is an covered chair which has room for one person.The sedan chair is carried on two poles by two men,one in front and one behind

   e.g. Old Grannis had drawn his chair close to the wall.

    20.clown=peasant or person who lives off the land

   e.g. He was laughing, the clown of the twosome.

    21.coalheaver=loaded coal onto ships using a spade

    22.coal-whippers=men who worked at docks using machines to load coal onto ships

    23.cobweb=the net which a spider makes for catching insects

   e.g. The fabric, cut on the bias, hangs as light as a cobweb off a woman's body.

    24.coddling=to treat someone too kindly or protect them too much

   e.g. The warders' union has been denouncing the government for coddling prisoners.

    25.coil=noise or fuss or disturbance

   e.g. The heated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water.


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New Things

     XIX-XXIV 3-25,181-188(Homer),189-290(Iliad),290-381(Odyssey)








     Paradise Lost-失樂園(亞當 夏娃)

     genre類型=literature type








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      e.g. Writers use foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense.


      e.g. At this point the writer puts in [ inserts ] a flashback.

   3.invocation(to call on,prayer,invoke)

      e.g. Please stand and pledge the flag, after which Dr. Jerome Taylor will give the invocation.

   4.epic poetry(Homer's Iliad & Odyssey)

   5.Odyssey=a wondering hero


      e.g. One guy said he'd like to be a gadfly, like Socrates.

   7.Prometheus-the Titans,Prometheus bound)



  10.fatal woman


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     1.virtual=>almost real but not real

   e.g. Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played.

     2.to act and to love=敦愛篤行(by Longfellow-A Psalm of Life)& paul Revere's Ride

     3.Learn to labor and to wait

     4.the Immortals眾神(希臘)

   e.g. He called Moore "one of the immortals of soccer".

     5. we are only flesh and blood,we are mortal and our time is limited.

     6.五段論證法:What is that?What is that for?What should we care?

     7.Tutami Learning:SAT(學術性向測驗) Reading Sample


   e.g. Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age.

     9.Virtual Reality:A Powerful Tool 

   e.g. This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology.


     1.Bow Street runner=the first British police force,set up by the author Henry Fielding in the eighteenth century   

     2.brawn=a dish of meat which is set in jelly

   e.g. He's got plenty of brains as well as brawn.

     3.bray=when an donkey brays,it makes a loud,harsh sound

   e.g. She cut him off with a wild bray of laughter.

     4.break=in order to train a horse you first have to break it

   e.g.  It was feared they could break the Allies' codes.

     5.bullyragging=an old word which means bullying.To bullyrag someone is to threaten or force someone to do something

     6.by hand=a common expression of the time meaningthat the baby had been fed either using a spoon or a bottle rather than by breast-feeding 

  e.g. Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.

     7.bye-spots=lonely places

     8.calico=is  plain white fabric made from cotton

   e.g. The colonists bartered calico for Indian land.

     9.camp-fever=another word for the disease typhus 

    10.cant=insincere or empty talk

   e.g. There has been a great deal of politician's cant.

    11.canty=lively,full of live

   e.g. My mother lived till eighty, a canty dame to the last.

    12.canvas=to discuss

   e.g.  She sat down cautiously on the red canvas cushions, knees modestly together.

    13.capital=excellent or extremely good

   e.g. There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital.

    14.capstan=device used on a ship to lift sails and anchors

   e.g. Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan.

    15.case-bottle=a square bottle designed to fit with others into a case

    16.casement=a word meaning window.the teacher in Nicholas Nickleby misspells window showing what a bad teacher he is

   e.g. A casement is a window that opens by means of hinges at the side.

    17.cauldron=a large cooking pot made of metal

   e.g. The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion.

    18.cephalic=to do with the head

   e.g. The cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate.

    19.chaise and four=a closed four-wheel carriage pulled by four horses

    20.chamberlain=the mainservant in a household

   e.g.  Chamberlain scored 50 or more points four times in the season.

    21.characters=distinguishing marks

   e.g. He reported that two suspicious-looking characters had approached Callendar.


   e.g. I am rather chary of making too many idiotic mistakes.

    23.cherishes=here cherishes means cheers or brightens

   e.g. The army cherishes the people and the people support the army.

    24.chickens' meat=it is an old term which means chickens' feed or food

    25.chimeras=an unrealistic idea or a wish which is unlikely to fullfilled

   e.g.  He was more interested in states of mind than in " puerile superstitions, Gothic castles, and chimeras. "

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Additional word or knowledge

    1.acknowledgement =something that you say or do in order to show that you accept that something exists or is true/a statement of thanks for something that someone has done

      e.g. Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.

    2.library of congress:Knowledge will forever govern ignorance;and a people who mean to be their own governor must arm themselves with the power which knowlegde gives.






    8.小布希P.178 , Psalm 23第四句,George W. Bush 911

    9.Tiresias->盲先知: was a blind prophet of Apollo in Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years.

   10.Oedipus complex 戀母情結(Oedipus): child's desire to have sexual relations with the parent of the opposite sex (i.e. males attracted to their mothers, and females attracted to their fathers).


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 Oral presentence=>Unit 11 Biology:The science of life

new root:

1.ac=take it for granted(acknowledgement,accept)

   e.g. He would have to accept it; there was no other way.

2.con=associate with the meaning(contents)

   e.g. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve.

3.vir=true or truth(virtual,Virgil,could you verify this wallet is yours?/could you provide the verification of your credit hours you've taken at Cambridge?)  

   e.g. All charges against her are dropped pending the verification of her story.

4.se=apart from(select,sequence,seclusion)

   e.g. Only the opening sequence could claim to be genuinely innovatory.

new knowledge:

1.你太超過了You've gone too far<=>You're too over(Chinese English)  

2.Motto=校訓,四字校訓:four pilars of Motto

   e.g. Our motto is "Plan for the worst and hope for the best".

3.run for one's life逃命

   e.g. The occipital chakra directs the dream and dream weaving for one's life dance and ascension thereafter.

4.roll call點名

   e.g.  Roll-call will be at 7 a.m.


1.bait=to bait means tostop on a journey to take refreshment

   e.g. Television programmes are essentially bait to attract an audience for advertisements.

2.balustrade=a row of vertical columns that form railings

   e.g. She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs.

3.bandbox=a large lightweight box for carrying bonnets or hats

   e.g. In spite of the long trip, Jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.

4.barren=a barren here is a stretchbor expanse of barren land

   e.g. He prayed that his barren wife would one day have a child.

5.basin=a cup without a handle

   e.g. When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean.

6.battalia=the order of battle

   e.g. "Don't try to psych out the test," says Jo Bennett, a partner at Battalia Winston, an executive recruiting firm in New York.

7.battery=a battery is a fort or a place where guns are positioned

   e.g. The battery in my car gave up the ghost.

8.battledore and shuttlecock=it was an early version of the game now known as badminton.The aim of the early game was simply to keep the shuttlecock from hitting the ground 

   e.g. Dad: Cool, we can take the football, shuttlecock and badminton racket to the park.

9.beadle=a local official who had power over the poor

   e.g. Mr. Snagsby's suggestion is the practical suggestion after all, and the beadle must be called in.

10.bearings=the bearings of a place are the measurements or directions that are used to find or locate it

   e.g. An oil seal was replaced, along with both front wheel bearings.

11.beaufet=a sideboard

12.beck=a small sream

   e.g. No disrespect to John Beck, but the club has been happier since he left.


14.Bedlam=a lunatic asylum in London which had statues carved by Caius Gabriel Cibber at its entrance

   e.g. It was bedlam at our house on the morning of the wedding.

15.beeves=oxen or castrated bulls which are animals used for pulling vehicles or carrying things

   e.g. YuanZhi has a breeding base for 2000 priority beeves annually.

16.begot=created or caused

   e.g. He begot three children.

17.behoof=behoof means benefit

   e.g. The money was spent for his own behoof.

18.berth=a bed on a boat

   e.g. Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could.

19.bevers=a snack,or small portion of food,eaten between main meals

20.bilge water=the bilge is the widest part of a ship's bottom,and the bilge water is the dirty water that collects there

   e.g. Shipbuilding: bilge water, waste oil, all kinds of fresh fuel.

21.bills=an old term meaning prescription.A prescription is the piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a chemist to get the medicine

   e.g. Hampton had been given the bills for safekeeping by a business partner.

22.black cap=a judge wrote a black cap when he was about to sentence a prisoner to death

   e.g. He wore a black cap with the peak pulled down low over his eyes.

23.black gentleman=this was another word for the devil

   e.g. Then a gentleman in black came forward.

24.boot-jack=a wooden device to help take boots off

   e.g.  I a boot - jack and a brush that I never used.

25.booty=treasure or prizes

   e.g. I a boot - jack and a brush that I never used.


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1. Who sends the plague to the Achaean camp near the beginning of The Iliad?

2. When does Achilles die?

3. Which of the following characters do not engage in one-on-one combat with each other in the poem?

4. When is The Iliad thought to have been composed?

5. Who helps rescue Machaon after Paris wounds him?

6. Who kills Dolon?

7. With what weapon does Ajax knock Hector unconscious?

8. At what point in the story do the Achaeans hold their athletic competition?

9. Which of the following characters is Helen’s brother-in-law?

10. How long has the Trojan War been going by the time The Iliad begins?

11. How many Trojan warriors does Achilles sacrifice on Patroclus’s pyre?

12. Who suggests that Helen be returned to Menelaus?

13. Who reminds Achilles that the Achaean soldiers cannot fight on empty stomachs?

14. Which god helps to bring about the death of Patroclus?

15. Why is Astyanax frightened when he sees his father, Hector?

16. Which of the following do not appear on Achilles’ new shield?

17. With which immortal does Achilles engage in one-on-one combat?

18. Why does Zeus initially agree to help the Trojans in the war?

19. What provokes Achilles’ rage against Agamemnon?

20. Who raised Patroclus?

21. Who sets fire to a Greek ship?

22. What magical charm does Hera use in seducing Zeus and making him fall asleep?

23. What do Helen and Paris do during one particularly stormy battle?

24. Where is Achilles’ old armor most vulnerable to attack?

25. What grave tactical error does Hector make out of overconfidence?

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 Apollo: sends the plague(瘟疫) to the Achaean camp near the beginning of The Iliad because of Chryseis

File:Apollo of the Belvedere.jpg

 Cassandra:princess of Troy,Apollo's priests,because of Apollo's gift so she can prophesy(預先說出)


  week 3=>p.XIX-XXIV,P.3-5,P.181-188,P.189-290(Iliad),p.290-581(Odessey)


       e.g. He will now face a disciplinary hearing for having an affair.

Homer:He is the aothor of Iliad and Odyssey,  and is revered as the greatst of ancient Greek epic poets.


Homeric epithet:A characteristic of Homer's style is the use of epithets

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 Three steps to learn in the article:

      what is that?what is that for?what should we care?


     1.members(5-9 people)

     2.Unit theme

     3.connection(main idea of each chapter and how they get together)

     4.hypothesis overview



     7.extra information(location,target word,line and page,the meaning of the target)

     8.Thanks for listening

     9.all in English,>20minute


1.admiration=amazement or wonder

   e.g. She is full of admiration for the head and teachers. 


   e.g. Afeard!'Tain't likely. Will you meow?


   e.g. His reason had been permanently affected by what he had witnessed.

4.agrounwhen a boatruns around, it touches the ground in a shallow part ofthe water and get stuck

5.ague=a fever in which the patient has alternate hot and cold shivering fits

   e.g. Cried Jabez Stone , in an ague of fear.

6.alchemy=false or worthless

   e.g. Religion had an intimate association with alchemy during the Middle Ages.

7.all alike=the same all the time

   e.g. It's wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike.

8.alow and aloft=on the top and in the bottom or throughtout

   e.g. He was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft.


   e.g. They prepared an ambuscade for the Romans.

10.amiable=likeable or pleasant

   e.g. Do you really want to go or are you merely being amiable?

11.amulet護身符,驅邪符=a charm thought to drive away evil spirits

   e.g.  He brought forth a small gold amulet from beneath his robe.

12.amusement=a strange and disturbing puzzle

   e.g. He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed.

13.ancient=an ancient was the flag displayed on a ship to show which country it belongs to

   e.g. The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.

14.antic=horrible or grotesque(怪誕

   e.g. I call him an antic old man.

15.antics=an old word meaning clowns,or people who do silly things to make other people laugh

   e.g. Their antics never fail to amuse.

16.appanage=an appanage is a living allowance(免稅額

17.appended=attached or added to

   e.g. Violet appended a note at the end of the letter.

18.approver=someone who gives evidence against someone he used to work with

   e.g. The specified number exceeds the approver's count at this step.

19.artificially=artfully or cleverly

   e.g. The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.

20.assizes=regular court sessions which a visiting judge was in charge of

   e.g. The next day, Monday, was the first sitting of the assizes.

21.attraction=gravitation,or Newton's theory of gravitation

   e.g. The major box office attraction was, of course, the inimitable Peter Hunningale.

22.aver=claim something strongly

   e.g. To aver is to allege in a pleading.

23.bagatelle=a game rather like billiards and pool

   e.g. It cost a mere bagatelle.

24.bah=an exclamation of frustration or anger

   e.g. Christmas? Bah! Humbug!

25.bairn=a northen world for child

   e.g. He's a lovely bairn.


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