New knowledge:

1.SOP: sequence of process流程

2.Catholicism:It is to be distinguished from the sense in which it denotes Christians and churches, western and eastern, that are in full communion with the Holy See, and that are commonly called the Catholic Church or Roman Catholic Church.

3.Protestantism:is the form of Christian faith and practice which originated with the Protestant Reformation,a movement against what the Protestants considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church.It is one of the major divisions of Christendom, together with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

4.WASP:白人盎格魯-撒克遜新教徒White Anglo-Saxon Protestant,WASP)指美國當權的精英群體及其文化、習俗和道德行為標準,現在可以泛指信奉新教的歐裔美國人。此群體擁有龐大的經濟、政治勢力,構成美國上流社會和中上階層的絕大部分。儘管美國社會日益多元化,但他們的文化、道德觀和價值取向仍在很大程度上影響著美國的發展。

5.美國聖公會The Episcopal Church):自稱是「遵循大公教會傳統的新教派別」

6.Success is counted sweetest--by Emily Dickinson


   e.g. Bees gather nectar from flowers.

8.Josh Groban--What Child is This

What child is this, who, laid to rest,
On Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring Him laud,
The babe, the son of Mary.

Why lies He in such mean estate,
Where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christians, fear, for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading.
Nails, spear shall pierce Him through,
the cross be borne for me, for you.
Hail, hail the Word made flesh,
the Babe, the Son of Mary.

So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh,
Come, peasant, king, to own him.
The King of kings salvation brings,
Let loving hearts enthrone him.
Raise, raise a song on high,
The virgin sings her lullaby
Joy, joy for Christ is born,
The babe, the Son of Mary.

This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring Him laud,
The babe, the son of Mary., ex.professional

   e.g. He plays the flute like a professional.

10.-ist:a person who practices in a special field, pianist

   e.g. The pianist accompanied her singing.往前走一步step forward,(ex. advent,adventage

   e.g. Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring.

12.en-:to make into, to put into, (ex.encrypt, enmesh

   e.g. They are best used to encrypt files on a hard disk.

13.bene-:good, well, (ex. beneficial

   e.g. It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.

14.soci-:to join, ex. society

   e.g. Drugs are a scourge that is devastating our society.


1.encrypt:convert ordinary language into code

   e.g. They are best used to encrypt files on a hard disk.

2.enmesh:entangle or catch in (or as if in) a mesh

3.haggler:is someone who travels from place to place selling small goods and items

   e.g. She is very good haggler and I am impressed.

4.halter:is a rope or strap used to lead an animal or to tie it up 

   e.g. She was dressed in a halter top and shorts.

5.hamlet:is a small village or a group of houses in the countryside

   e.g. Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's best known tragedies.

6.hand-barrow:a device for carrying heavy objects.It is like a wheelbarrow except that it has handles,rather than wheels, for moving the barrow

   e.g. Vexingly, the wrong one gets the upper hand.

7. headhandspike:a stick which was used as a lever

8.haply:means by chance or perhaps

   e.g. Haply I think on thee, and then my state.

9.harem:the harem was the part of the house where the women lived

   e.g. The sultan's wives and concubines live in the harem.

10.hautboys:hautboys are oboes

11.hawker:a hawker is someone who sells goods to people as he travels rather than from a fixed place like a ship

   e.g.  A hawker of small wares , as on the streets or at a carnival.

12.hawser:is a rope used to tie up or tow a ship or boat

   e.g. The fingers were pinched under a hawser.

13.headstall:is the part of the bridle or halter that goes around a horse's head

   e.g. Use a bridle with a headstall that fits over the horse's head.

14.hearken:means to listen

   e.g. Howbeit they did not hearken, but they did after their former manner.

15.heartless:means without heart or dejected

   e.g. It was a heartless thing to do.

16.hebdomadal:means weekly

17.highwaymen:were people who stopped travellers and robbed them

   e.g. A band of highwaymen had defeated your army in Syria.

18.hinds:means farm hands,or people who work on a farm

   e.g. He maketh my feet like hinds'feet, and setteth me upon my high places.

19.histrionic:if you refer to someone's behaviour as histrionic,you are being critical of it because it is dramatic and exaggerated

   e.g. She had never forgotten her one histrionic achievement in Chicago.

20.hogs:is another word for pigs

   e.g. We picked the corn by hand and we fed it to the hogs and the cows.

21.horrors:the horrors are a fit,called delirium tremens,which is caused by drinking too much alcohol

   e.g. The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain.

22.huffy:means to be obviously annoyed or offended about something

   e.g. I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.

23.hulks:were prison-ships

   e.g. Unemployment has soared as the hulks of fishing boats rust away on the salt - encrusted seabed.

24.humbug:means nonsense or rubbish

   e.g. There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers.

25.humours:it was believed that there were four fluids in the body called humours which decided the temperament of a person depending on how much of each fluid was present

   e.g. She knew too much of the obstinacy of men to oppose any of their ridiculous humours.

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   new knowledges

1.boarding school寄宿學校

   e.g. She sent her son to a boarding school in the East.

2.聖經-女人使用手冊:go,keep him accompany, and make him happy

3.River Styx冥河


   e.g. Myrtle sat huddled on the side of the bed, weeping. broke my nose

6.have affair有婚外情=>Myrtle:"You can't live forever."

   e.g. But why we can hear the rumor that you have affair with personal Assistant?

7.carpe diem及時行樂

   e.g. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.


  new words

1.notorious:known widely and usually unfavorably

   e.g. The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43.

2.console:a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall;a scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system;an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket (especially one used to support a wall fixture);housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television

   e.g.  I can console myself with the fact that I'm not alone.

3.allusion:passing reference or indirect mention

   e.g.  The title is per-haps an allusion to AIDS.

4.mythological:based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity

   e.g. He is remembered for his historical and mythological works.

5.mistress:an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man;a woman schoolteacher (especially one regarded as strict);a woman master who directs the work of others

   e.g. She had always been mistress of her own destiny.

6.extravagant:unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening greed";recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures")

   e.g. I can have a brainstorm and be very extravagant.

7.serene:not agitated; without losing self-possession;completely clear and fine

   e.g. He has entered the serene autumn of his life.

8.culinary:of or relating to or used in cooking

   e.g. You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.

9.galoot:a sailor but also a clumsy person

10.gayset:means the most lively and bright or merry

11.gem:here gem means jewellery

   e.g. Miss Famous, as she was called, was a gem.

12.giddy:means dizzy

   e.g. Being there gave me a giddy pleasure.

13.gig:a light two-wheeled carriage

   e.g. I am organising a benefit gig in Bristol to raise these funds.

14.gladsome:is an old word meaning glad or happy

   e.g.  Whosoever enters through the portals of this home must go out with gladsome heart.

15.glen:a glen is a small valley; the word is used commonly in Scotland

   e.g. Perhaps it was that very oddness that attracted me to Glen's music.

16.gravelled:is an old term which means to baffle or defeat someone

   e.g. We gravelled the driveway.

17.grinder:a grinder was a private tutor

   e.g. The chef used an electric grinder in the kitchen.

18.gruel:is a thin,watery cornmeal or oatmeal soup

   e.g. We had gruel for the breakfast.

19.guinea,half a:a half guinea was ten shillings and sixpence

   e.g. The pheasant is a close relative of the Guinea hen.

20.gull:is an old term which means to fool or deceive someone

   e.g. Several other sub-species of gull are found in the region.

21.gunnel:the gunnel,or gunwhale,is the upper edge of a boat's side

   e.g. Any of various similar or related fishes, such as the moonfish and gunnel.

22.gunwale:the side of a ship

   e.g. Before him the gunwale of a boat, sunk in sand.

23.Gytrash:is an omen of misfortune to the superstitious,usually taking the form of a hound.

24.hackney-cabriolet:a two-wheeled carriage with four seats for hire and pulled by a horse

   e.g. Hackney has only just had schools returned to its control.

25.hackney-coach:a four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle for hire

   e.g. A hackney - coach was called , and the father and daughter departed in it.

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1.Euripides: was one of the three great tragedians of classical Athens, the other two being Aeschylus and Sophocles.


   e.g. The children lament the death of their mother.

3.Hyperion:In Greek mythology, Hyperionwas one of the twelve Titan children of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky or Heaven) who, led by Cronus, overthrew Uranus and were themselves later overthrown by the Olympians. With his sister, the Titaness Theia, Hyperion fathered Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn).

File:Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem - The Fall of the Titans - Google Art Project.jpg


   e.g. She was herself a vehement protagonist of sexual equality. favor of傾向于

   e.g. All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ".


   e.g. The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.


   e.g. The argument contained herein takes exactly the opposite point of view.


   e.g. Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.


   e.g. Young and old saw in him an implacable opponent of apartheid.


   e.g. Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals.







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The Great Gatsby影片欣賞 light stands for hope on Gatsby's dream and love

2.Myrtle:"You can't live forever"(carpe diem)

3.Nick:"You can't repeat the past."

   Gatsby:"Surely you can."




1.feigned:pretend or pretending

   e.g. Sally spun round, a feigned look of surprise on her face.

2.fence:a fence is someone who receives and sells stolen goods

   e.g. He squeezed through a narrow opening in the fence.

3.fess:an old word which means pleased or proud

   e.g. Sometimes I have an irresistible urge to fess up about my feelings.

4.fettered:bound in chains or chained

   e.g. We reverence tradition but will not be fettered by it.

5.fidges:fidges means fidgets, which is to keep moving your hands slightly because you are nervous or excited

6.finger-post:a sign-post showing the direction to different places

   e.g. It's as if post-modernism or punk never happened. kept by the side of the fire to either cook with or look after the fire

   e.g. The floor was spotless; the grate and fire - irons were burnished bright. word for a fire hydrant

   e.g.  Al - feng plug right foot volley turned around the edge of the area above the fire beams.

9.flank:the side of an animal

   e.g. Bookcases flank the bed.

10.flip:a drink made from warmed ale, sugar, spice and beaten egg

   e.g. The tone of the book is sometimes too flip.

11.flit:to move quickly

   e.g He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease.

12.floorcloth:a hard-wearing piece of canvas used instead of carpet carriage drawn by a single horse

   e.g. Driver: And then you'll fly home?

14.fob:a small pocket in which a watch is kept

   e.g. She tried to fob all her junk off onto me.

15.folly:foolishness or stupidity

   e.g. Events proved the folly of such calculations.


   e.g. He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way.

17.fondness:silly or foolish affection

   e.g. The groups at the conference spoke piously of their fondness for democracy.

18.for his fancy:means for his liking or as he wanted

   e.g. Bill neglects his wife and spends all his spare money on presents for his fancy woman.

19.forlorn:lost or very upset

   e.g. He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes.

20.foster-sister:someone brought up by the same nurse or in the same household

   e.g. Your sister was sent to a home and you to a foster family. weak glow that is given off by decaying, rotten wood

22.frozen sea:the Arctic Ocean

   e.g. Frozen sea food can be useful substitutes for fresh foods.

23.gainsay:to gainsay something is to say it isn't ture or to deny it

   e.g. Nobody can gainsay his claims.

24.gaiters:leggings made of a cloth or piece of leather which covered the leg from the knee to the ankle

   e.g. He is the queer old duck with the knee - length gaiters and walrus mustache.

25.galluses:an old spelling of gallows, and here means suspenders.Suspenders are straps worn over someone's shoulders and fastened to their trousers to prevent the trousers falling down

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埃斯庫羅斯: 「悲劇之父」,傳說他是被一隻從天空上掉下來的烏龜砸死的,他被葬在傑拉,他的墓碑上寫著:碑下安睡著雅典人埃斯庫羅斯,歐福里翁之子,在豐饒的傑拉死亡戰勝了他。但馬拉松的戰場可以證明他的勇敢,連長髮的米底人也得承認。他是第一個在希臘話劇中引入第二個演員的劇作家,通過對話的形式他革命了希臘話劇。他的語言、風格和使用的希臘神話中的故事也深深地影響了後人。他的人物都不是普通人,他們的感情、特性以及他們有力、簡短、高雅和生動的語言都超於一般人之上。作品有:《被縛的普羅米修斯》(Prometheus Bound),《阿伽門農》(Agamemnon),《歐墨尼得斯》或稱《復仇女神》(Eumenides



3.goddess of justice:正義女神Justitia,古羅馬代表公平正義的女神)是作為法律基礎的公正道德的象徵。文藝復興以來Justitia(正義女神)通常被描述為一名裸露胸膛的婦女,手持劍與天平,有時戴有眼罩。現今經常出現於法院的其肖像是由代表正義的古希臘機緣女神堤喀(Tyche)及古羅馬命運女神福爾圖娜(Fortuna)的形象混合而成。

  • 天秤
  • 眼罩


5.write down fact and conclusion

new words


   e.g. Can you recap the points included in the regional conference proposal?


   e.g. He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.

3.decapitation砍頭(de=>down,away from)

   e.g. The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.


   e.g. Lush grasslands beckoned the herdsman.


   e.g. Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel.


   e.g. The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies.

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1.確切時間點=>簡單式(ex.about six years ago

2.capable,ba capable of,capacity才能

   e.g. I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.

3.enter a race參加比賽

4.lungs(恆複數),lung cancer肺癌

   e.g. The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes. of the+名詞(複數)

6.It doesn't matter/I don't mind it=>我不在意

   e.g. It doesn't matter if you win or lose.


   e.g. Both of my sisters moved even farther away from home.


   e.g. The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information.

9.Youth is not a time of life, it's a state of mind

10.turgid腫脹=swollen,bombasticin style

   e.g. The rest of the arts scene looks increasingly turgid by comparison.


  • I'm interested in interesting music.
  • I was shocked for something very shocking
  • I felt embarrassed for something very embarrassing
  • I'm bored with something very boring


1.determined:means ended

   e.g. Jane is determined to stake her claim as an actress.

2.Deuce:a slang term for the Devil

   e.g. What the deuce is that?

3.diabolical:devilish or evil

   e.g. It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.


   e.g. The direction of the prevailing winds should be taken into account.

5.dissemble:hide or conceal

   e.g. I tried to dissemble an interest I didn't feel.

6.dissolve:to release from life

   e.g. Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve.

7.distrain:to distrain is to seize the property of someone who is in debt in compensation for the money owed

   e.g. If he doesn't pay, will the court distrain upon him?

8.Divan:a Divan was originally a Turkish council of state-the name was transferred to the couches they sat on and is used to mean this in English

   e.g. Lord Henry stretched himself out on the divan and laughed.


   e.g. And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. in the manger:this phrase describes someone who prevents you from enjoying something that they themselves have no need for

   e.g. No child wants to play with a dog in the manger.

11.dolorifuge:a word which Thomas Hardy invented.It means pain-killer or comfort


   e.g. The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.

13.domestic:here domestic means a person's management of the house

   e.g. And what of the effect on U.S domestic opinion?

14.dunce:is another word of idiot

   e.g. He used to be a dunce at school.

15.Ecod:a slang exclamation meaning 'Oh,God!" 

16.egg-hot:an egg-hot(see also 'flip' and 'negus') was a hot drink made from beer and eggs, sweetened with nutmeg

   e.g.  Bacon and an egg with a cup of hot milk , please.

17.encores:a short extra performance at the end of a longer one, which the entertainter gives because the audience has enthusiastically asked for it

   e.g. They performed another two songs as encores.

18.equipage:an elegant and impressive carriage

   e.g. His purse, which was very dry at that moment , did not permit him any other equipage.

19.exordium:is the opening part of a speech

   e.g. This exordium, and Miss Pross's two hands in quite agonised entreaty clasping his, decided Mr. Cruncher.

20.expect:here expect means to wait for

   e.g. Don't expect me to come and visit you there.

21.familiars:spirits or devils who come to someone when they are called

   e.g. We are familiars of the Chinese Embassy.

22.fantods:a person who fidgets or can't stop moving nervously

23.farthing:an old unit of British currency which was worth a quarter of a penny

   e.g. Farthing Lane's just above the High Street and parallel with it.

24.farthingale:a hoop worn under a skirt to extend it

   e.g. Margaret pinned up her kirtle and farthingale, for the road was wet.

25.favours:here favours is an old word which means ribbons

   e.g. In her extreme youth, Maria had sold her sexual favours for money.

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1.Alexander the Great 亞歷山大大帝:was a King  of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to Egypt and into northwest ancient India.>down,away from(ex.detach-撕掉)

   e.g. It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.

3.dramatic irony:in literature, a plot device in which the audience’s or reader’s knowledge of events or individuals surpasses that of the characters. The words and actions of the characters therefore take on a different meaning for the audience or reader than they have for the play’s characters.


   e.g. As he drew abreast of the man he pretended to stumble.

5.fatal attraction,fatal woman/femme fatale(Salome)=>stock character固定角色




   e.g. A foul enchantress turned me into a frog.

8.Oedipus complex戀母情結:a child's desire to have sexual relations with the parent of the opposite sex (i.e. males attracted to their mothers, and females attracted to their fathers).

9.Thespis:father of tragedy,was the first person ever to appear on stage as an actor playing a character in a play,he is said to have introduced the first principal actor in addition to the chorus.

10.tragic flaw:a literary term that refers to a personality trait of a main character that leads to his or her downfall, a character with a tragic flaw is in need of some kind of attitude adjustment.  In this kind of story, the main character is sometimes also called the tragic hero.

11.hubris=pride,show me some hubris

   e.g. There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris.

12.tragic hero:Some examples of classic tragic heroes are Hamlet and Captain Ahab. Both of these guys had to deal with tough decisions and strange twists of fate, and they end up dead by the end of the story.

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New knowledge

1.slogan:a kind of believe to encourage customers to buy the product.

   e.g. They could campaign on the slogan "We'll take less of your money".

2.fetch a cab/grab a cab叫計程車

   e.g. Shall we walk or take a cab?


   e.g. Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy.


   e.g. A country's principal resource is its brainpower. copy副本

6.flip classroom翻轉教室

7.obligation責任,義務;oblige=強迫.迫使(be obliged to)

   e.g. They felt under no obligation to maintain their employees.


   e.g. The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas.


   e.g. There is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors.

10.That's all for my part and I'll leave the rest to my partner.


1.widow寡婦=a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried

   e.g. She's a widow now.

2.claustrophobic=uncomfortably closed or hemmed in; "a claustrophobic little room",suffering from claustrophobia; abnormally afraid of closed-in places

3. catch up on趕上

   e.g. You ought to lie in tomorrow and catch up on your sleep.

4.distraction=an obstacle to attention,the act of distracting; drawing someone's attention away from something

   e.g. Driven to distraction, he murdered the woman who jilted him.

5.implication=an accusation that brings into intimate and usually incriminating connection,a relation implicated by virtue of involvement or close connection (especially an incriminating involvement

   e.g. The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.

6.miss the boat錯失良機

   e.g. I'll invest in that company I don't want to miss the boat.

7.undeniable=not possible to deny

   e.g. It is undeniable that the economic picture is brightening.

8.specialize=become more focus on an area of activity or field of study,be specific about,devote oneself to a special area of work,evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment

   e.g. There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them.

9.domestic=a servant who is paid to perform menial tasks around the household,of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation,produced in a particular country

   e.g. A special dispensation may be obtained from the domestic union concerned.

10.reprise=repeat an earlier theme of a composition

   e.g. The second, another miracle, was the reprise Arellano.

11.recite=repeat aloud from memory,render verbally

   e.g. Each child had to recite a poem to the class.

12.mediocre=平凡的moderate to inferior in quality,lacking exceptional quality or ability,poor to middling in quality

   e.g. I thought the play was only mediocre.

13.reception=the manner in which something is greeted,a formal party of people,quality or fidelity of a received broadcast

   e.g.  He recently did the catering for a presidential reception.

14.contemporary=a person of nearly the same age as another,characteristic of the present,belonging to the present time

   e.g. Contemporary African cinema has much to offer in its vitality and freshness.

15.crooked sixpence=it was considered unlucky to have a bent sixpence

16.croquet=a traditional English summer game in which players try to hit wooden balls through hoops

   e.g. You can engage in croquet on the south lawn.


   e.g. If you ever cross him, forget it, you're finished.

18.culpable=if you are culpable for something it means you are to blame

   e.g. The judge found the man culpable.


   e.g. His behavior was suggestive of a cultured man


21.curricle=an open two-wheeled carriage with one seat for the driver and space for a single passenger

22.cynosure=something that strongly attracts attention or admiration

   e.g. Let faith be your cynosure to walk by.

23.dalliance=someone's dalliance with something is a brief involvement with it

   e.g. It turned out to be his last dalliance with the education system.

24.darkling=an archaic way of saying in the dark

   e.g. He reeled and recovered , the darkling abyss below beckoning to him, inviting his fall.

25.delf-case=a sideboard for holding dishes and crockery

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3.Zeus(Jupiter)=ruler of gods,almishta

4.Dionysus:God of the Grape Harvest, Winemaking, Wine, Ritual Madness, Religious Ecstasy, Fertility and Theatre. - ‎神諭:In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency considered to interface wise counsel or prophetic predictions or precognition of the future, inspired by the gods. As such it is a form of divination.

6.hex字首=>Hexa– is a prefix from the Greek word for 'six',e.g. in hexagon, a polygon with six corners.

   e.g. The church tower likes a huge hexagon.

7.Achilles:the son of Peleus,Achilles' heel(deadly weakness,which can actually or probably lead to down fall)

8.Polyphemus獨眼巨人:is the giant son of Poseidon and Thoosa in Greek mythology, one of the Cyclopes described in Odyssey. His name means "abounding in songs and legends".Polyphemus first appears as a savage man-eating giant in the ninth book of Homer's Odyssey.

9.Telemachus:the son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in Homer's Odyssey. The first four books of the Odyssey focus on Telemachus' journeys in search of news about his father, who has yet to return home from the Trojan War, and are traditionally given the title the Telemachy.

10.Aegisthus:was the son of Thyestes and of Thyestes' daughter, Pelopia.Clytemnestra 与之私通,和他一起谋杀其夫 Agamemnon 后又被Orestes(Agamemnon's son) 所杀

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 1.oral present

      2.se字首=>apart from, ex: separate

   e.g. A young man of his years needed to have a separate room.


   e.g. The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.

      4.de字首=>down or away from(ex.descend下降.deduct扣除.declime)

   e.g. If you will just sign here, we will arrange for your bank to deduct your payments automatically.

      5.綜合教學大樓=comprehansive university


   e.g. There are also serious neurological complications.


      8.That's all for my part and I'll leave the rest for my partner


   e.g. The historical origin and development of a word; an etymology.


     1.collared=to collar something is a slang term which means to capture

   e.g. He collared the thief after a chase.

     2.colling=an old word which means to embrace and kiss

   e.g. Colling, who is home-schooled, described how she came up with her design.

     3.colloquies=colloquy is a formal conversation or dialogue

   e.g. In such colloquies the mother and the child passed a great deal of their time together.

     4.comfit=sugar-covered pieces of fruit or nut eaten as sweets

   e.g. The next thing for them to do is to eat the comfit.

     5.coming out=when a girl came out in society it meant she was of marriageable age.In order to 'come out' girls were expecting to attend balls or other parties during a season

   e.g. When is it coming out in paperback ?

     6.commit=arrest or stop

   e.g.  He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress.


   e.g. It is a commodious house.

     8.commons=an old term meaning food shared with others

   e.g. Major's reply came as a complete surprise to the House of Commons.

     9.complacency=a desire to please others.Today complacency means feeling pleased with oneself without good reason

   e.g.  She warned that there was no room for complacency on inflation.

    10.complaisance=eagerness to please

   e.g. She speaks with complaisance.


   e.g. She was an old - fashioned wife, entirely complaisant to her husband's will.

    12.conning=learning by heart

   e.g. He climbed into the conning tower, his eyes haunted and sickly bright.


   e.g. Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors.


   e.g. If he consorts with persons unsuitable to him, his bishop will interfere.

    15.conversible=easy to talk to,companionable

    16. copper=a large pot that can be heated directly over a fire

   e.g. The combination of sex and treachery proved a copper-bottomed circulation booster.

    17.copper-stick=the long piece of wood used to stir washing in the copper(or boiler) which was usually the biggest cooking pot in the house

    18.counting-house=a place where accountants work

   e.g. He guarded prey to the counting - house.

    19.courtier=someone who attends the king or queen-a member of the court

   e.g. The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.

    20.covies=flocks of partridges

    21.cowed=frightened or intimidated

   e.g. He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts.

    22.conzened=tricked or deceived

       23.cravats=a folded cloth that a man wears wrapped around his neck as a decorative item of clothing 

   e.g.  One of your stiff-starched apoplectic cravats.

    24.crock and dirt=an old expression meaning soot and dirt


   e.g. We had no fridge, cooker, cutlery or crockery.

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