1.virtual=>almost real but not real

   e.g. Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played. act and to love=敦愛篤行(by Longfellow-A Psalm of Life)& paul Revere's Ride

     3.Learn to labor and to wait

     4.the Immortals眾神(希臘)

   e.g. He called Moore "one of the immortals of soccer".

     5. we are only flesh and blood,we are mortal and our time is limited.

     6.五段論證法:What is that?What is that for?What should we care?

     7.Tutami Learning:SAT(學術性向測驗) Reading Sample


   e.g. Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age.

     9.Virtual Reality:A Powerful Tool 

   e.g. This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology.


     1.Bow Street runner=the first British police force,set up by the author Henry Fielding in the eighteenth century   

     2.brawn=a dish of meat which is set in jelly

   e.g. He's got plenty of brains as well as brawn.

     3.bray=when an donkey brays,it makes a loud,harsh sound

   e.g. She cut him off with a wild bray of laughter.

     4.break=in order to train a horse you first have to break it

   e.g.  It was feared they could break the Allies' codes.

     5.bullyragging=an old word which means bullying.To bullyrag someone is to threaten or force someone to do something hand=a common expression of the time meaningthat the baby had been fed either using a spoon or a bottle rather than by breast-feeding 

  e.g. Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.

     7.bye-spots=lonely places

     8.calico=is  plain white fabric made from cotton

   e.g. The colonists bartered calico for Indian land. word for the disease typhus 

    10.cant=insincere or empty talk

   e.g. There has been a great deal of politician's cant.

    11.canty=lively,full of live

   e.g. My mother lived till eighty, a canty dame to the last.

    12.canvas=to discuss

   e.g.  She sat down cautiously on the red canvas cushions, knees modestly together. or extremely good

   e.g. There are reports of widespread dis-content in the capital.

    14.capstan=device used on a ship to lift sails and anchors

   e.g. Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan. square bottle designed to fit with others into a case

    16.casement=a word meaning window.the teacher in Nicholas Nickleby misspells window showing what a bad teacher he is

   e.g. A casement is a window that opens by means of hinges at the side.

    17.cauldron=a large cooking pot made of metal

   e.g. The stadium was a seething cauldron of emotion.

    18.cephalic=to do with the head

   e.g. The cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate.

    19.chaise and four=a closed four-wheel carriage pulled by four horses

    20.chamberlain=the mainservant in a household

   e.g.  Chamberlain scored 50 or more points four times in the season.

    21.characters=distinguishing marks

   e.g. He reported that two suspicious-looking characters had approached Callendar.


   e.g. I am rather chary of making too many idiotic mistakes.

    23.cherishes=here cherishes means cheers or brightens

   e.g. The army cherishes the people and the people support the army.

    24.chickens' meat=it is an old term which means chickens' feed or food

    25.chimeras=an unrealistic idea or a wish which is unlikely to fullfilled

   e.g.  He was more interested in states of mind than in " puerile superstitions, Gothic castles, and chimeras. "

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