The Great Gatsby影片欣賞 light stands for hope on Gatsby's dream and love

2.Myrtle:"You can't live forever"(carpe diem)

3.Nick:"You can't repeat the past."

   Gatsby:"Surely you can."




1.feigned:pretend or pretending

   e.g. Sally spun round, a feigned look of surprise on her face.

2.fence:a fence is someone who receives and sells stolen goods

   e.g. He squeezed through a narrow opening in the fence.

3.fess:an old word which means pleased or proud

   e.g. Sometimes I have an irresistible urge to fess up about my feelings.

4.fettered:bound in chains or chained

   e.g. We reverence tradition but will not be fettered by it.

5.fidges:fidges means fidgets, which is to keep moving your hands slightly because you are nervous or excited

6.finger-post:a sign-post showing the direction to different places

   e.g. It's as if post-modernism or punk never happened. kept by the side of the fire to either cook with or look after the fire

   e.g. The floor was spotless; the grate and fire - irons were burnished bright. word for a fire hydrant

   e.g.  Al - feng plug right foot volley turned around the edge of the area above the fire beams.

9.flank:the side of an animal

   e.g. Bookcases flank the bed.

10.flip:a drink made from warmed ale, sugar, spice and beaten egg

   e.g. The tone of the book is sometimes too flip.

11.flit:to move quickly

   e.g He's prone to flit between subjects with amazing ease.

12.floorcloth:a hard-wearing piece of canvas used instead of carpet carriage drawn by a single horse

   e.g. Driver: And then you'll fly home?

14.fob:a small pocket in which a watch is kept

   e.g. She tried to fob all her junk off onto me.

15.folly:foolishness or stupidity

   e.g. Events proved the folly of such calculations.


   e.g. He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way.

17.fondness:silly or foolish affection

   e.g. The groups at the conference spoke piously of their fondness for democracy.

18.for his fancy:means for his liking or as he wanted

   e.g. Bill neglects his wife and spends all his spare money on presents for his fancy woman.

19.forlorn:lost or very upset

   e.g. He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes.

20.foster-sister:someone brought up by the same nurse or in the same household

   e.g. Your sister was sent to a home and you to a foster family. weak glow that is given off by decaying, rotten wood

22.frozen sea:the Arctic Ocean

   e.g. Frozen sea food can be useful substitutes for fresh foods.

23.gainsay:to gainsay something is to say it isn't ture or to deny it

   e.g. Nobody can gainsay his claims.

24.gaiters:leggings made of a cloth or piece of leather which covered the leg from the knee to the ankle

   e.g. He is the queer old duck with the knee - length gaiters and walrus mustache.

25.galluses:an old spelling of gallows, and here means suspenders.Suspenders are straps worn over someone's shoulders and fastened to their trousers to prevent the trousers falling down

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