1. The Roman Coliseum 羅馬競技場

Another of the many interesting places to visit in Europe is the Roman Coliseum. This grand site was originally a huge amphitheater that could seat more than 50,000 people. With amazing ancient architecture, even in disrepair, this is a magnificent site that you definitely have to see.


2. Beowulf is an Old English epic poem. It is possibly the oldest surviving long poem in Old English and is commonly cited as one of the most important works of Old English literature .

Beowulf Cotton MS Vitellius A XV f. 132r.jpg

3. The blind side 攻其不備

The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family.

4. Le Morte d' Arthur 亞瑟王之死:“the death of Arthur”, is a compilation by Sir Thomas Malory of traditional tales about the legendary King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot,  and the Kinghts of the Round Table.

5. St. Peter's Basilica: is a Late Renaissance church located within Vatican City.St. Peter's is the most renowned work of Renaissance architecture and remains one of the two largest churches in the world.

A very detailed painting of a vast church interior. The high roof is arched. The walls and piers which support the roof are richly decorated with moulded cherubim and other sculpture interspersed with floral motifs. Many people are walking in the church. They look tiny compared to the building.

6. Vatican City 梵諦岡:is a walled enclave within the city of Rome. It is the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world by both area and population.

7.  Remember that you must die.人終將一死

8. Patheon (萬神廟) is a building in Rome, Italy, commissioned by Marcus Agrippa during the reign of Augustus. 

0 Pantheon - Piazza della Rotonda - Rome (1a).JPG

9. Raymond Carver was an American short story writer and poet. Carver contributed to the revitalization of the American short story in literature during the 1980s.

Raymond Carver.jpg

10. Memento Mori:s the medieval Latin theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly goods and pursuits. It is related to the ars moriendi ("The Art of Dying") and related literature.

11. Trevi Fountain is a fountain  in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy, designed by Italian architect Nicola Salvi and completed by Pietro Bracci.Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy 2 - May 2007.jpg

12. mor--stands for death, ex. morguo, mortify, mortician, morgage

      e.g. The teacher was mortified by his own inability to answer such a simple question.


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