1.Freytag's Pyramid

 2.A pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single point at the top, making the shape roughly a pyramid in the geometric sence. The base of a pyramid can be trilateral, quadrilateral, or any polygon shape, meaning that a pyramid has at least three outer triangular surfaces.

3.Fiction is the classification for any creative informational work—almost always a narrative—whose creator does not claim responsibility for the work's faithfulness to reality.


4.Allegory(寓言) has been used widely throughout the histories of all forms of art, largely because it readily illustrates complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible to its viewers, readers, or listeners.


5.flat character: a character whobehaves and speaks in predictable, repetitive ways

6.didactic:instructive (especially excessively)

   e.g. He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process.

7.in media res:is the literary and artistic narrative technique of relating a story from the midpoint, rather than the beginning

8.antihero: is a protagonist who does not act in typically heroic ways

   e.g. Describing the antihero is an important mark of Russian writer Pelevin s postmodernist poetics.

9.protagonist主角,領導者a person who backs a politician or a team/the principal character in a work of fiction

   e.g. She was herself a vehement protagonist of sexual equality

10.novella: a short work of fiction of about 17,000 to 40,000 words, which focuses on one character

   e.g.  He has published short stories , a novella and a novel.

11.decipher(v.)破譯,解讀convert code into ordinary language

   e.g. The Coastguard needs to decipher garbled messages in a few minutes.

12.periodical(n.)期刊,雜誌a publication that appears at fixed intervals/(adj.)週期,定期性的happening or recurring at regular intervals

   e.g. She made periodical visits to her dentist.

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